Happy couple in bed and enjoying longer lasting intimacy with Promescent premium products
Happy couple in bed and enjoying longer lasting intimacy with Promescent premium products

Los hombres duran hasta un 64% más en la cama usando Promescent

  • checkmarkLos orgasmos de la pareja aumentan un 50%.
  • checkmark No se transfiere a tu pareja
  • checkmarkLarga duración y fácil de usar

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Best Seller
Delay Spray - 20 Sprays

Aerosol de Retraso

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Aerosol de Retraso

#1 Doctor recommended delay spray to last longer in bed

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Unlock enhanced endurance, energy, and stamina with VitaFLUX nitric oxide booster

$39.95 $49.95
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Gel de Excitación Femenina

Cosquilleo y calor: el dúo perfecto para su placer

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Toallitas de Retraso

Toallitas fáciles de usar para ayudarte a durar más en la cama

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Lubricante Orgánico

Aloe Vera orgánico, seguro para el preservativo, sin glicerina ni parabenos

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Toallitas Antes y Después

Toallitas refrescantes portátiles y cómodas para antes o después del sexo

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VitaFLUX® para mujeres

A nitric oxide booster that promotes increased orgasm intensity and frequency

$39.95 $49.95
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Nunca Sin Tenerlo

A discreet three pack of our delay spray 20 size for on the go

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Lubricante de Agua

Nunca pegajoso, compatible con juguetes y preservativos

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En Casa y Lejos

A delay spray for the bedside table and one for your pocket

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Aceite de Masaje de Vainilla

Creamy and warm with slightly exotic scent

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El Trío

Get a three pack of delay spray 60 size to keep at home for aadded value

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Gel de Excitación Femenina Zumbante

Aumenta el placer sensual con una emocionante sensación de zumbido

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Aceite de Masaje de Lavanda

Aroma floral que infunde calma

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El Paquete de Seis

Our largest bundle of Promescent® Delay Spray for Men at the best price

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El caballero de todos los días

Choose your size Delay Spray + VitaFLUX for Men and Before & After Wipes (40-count)

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El himen feliz

You'll be smiling with a tube of Arousal Gel and Premium Lube

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Lubricante de silicona

Larga duración, resistente al agua, buena para jugar en la ducha y en el baño

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Masturbador masculino Arcwave Ion

Tecnología Airwave™ para un placer sin igual

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Pack Placer

Pair a bottle of Delay Spray with Arousal Gel to enhance pleasure

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Pack Wet and Wild

Get a Premium Lube, Arousal Gel, and Delay Spray

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Paquete de prestaciones

Get VitaFLUX for Men or Women with a bottle of Delay Spray

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El hombre del millón de dólares

Get a bottle of Delay Spray, Arousal Gel, and VitaFLUX or Testosterone Booster

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El Kickstarter

Last longer and perform better with a bottle of Delay Spray + Testosterone Booster

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